Thursday, September 27, 2007



2. ExpPrint

       ExpPrint V2.0.0.2

ExpPrint is a Windows extension program that lets you easily print a
listing of your files and folder contents directly from Explorer.

You can print:

 - The files and folders that you select
 - A branch of the directory
 - Entire disk contents
 - File Name
 - File Size
 - File Type
 - Modified, Last Accessed, and Created time stamps
 - File Attributes

ExpPrint has comprehensive sorting capabilities, and several options that
let you tailor the content of the printout. You can also generate a text
file that is suitable for importing into a spreadsheet to give you more

ExpPrint - Copyright (c) 1996-2007 JD Design, All Rights Reserved

3.Print File List Utility: PrintFolder Pro


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